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Cheap Tickets is part of Trip Network, a marketplace of leading travel brands, services, and affiliate partnerships.

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Hotwire's mission is to offer flexible leisure travelers a quick and easy way to get better deals on airline tickets, hotel reservations and car rentals. Through partnerships with leading travel companies, Hotwire can negotiate special prices -- Hot-Fares® and Hot-Rates® -- that can't be found anywhere else.

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Orbitz is a leading online travel company offering leisure and business travelers the widest selection of low fares as well as deals on lodging, car rentals, cruises, vacation packages, and other travel. The site was created to address the need for an unbiased, comprehensive display of fares and rates in a single location for consumers

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Named for the 59th minute, Site59 is the industry leader in technology and creative content for last-minute online travel. We use our premier packaging technology to continuously locate unsold airline seats, hotel rooms, rental cars and other inventory and assemble them into dynamic, real-time packages available for online purchase up to hours before departure.

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Packages start as low as $299